You are here: Support Area SIMS 2
Our Sims 2 Collection is sorted by year.
You can support our work by choosing any of these options:
[descending order - from newest to oldest by year of launch]
| I want just a set from this tier - regular price |
Purchasing a Single Set:
Click on the picture of the set that you want.
You'll see the details of the set and will be able
to click on the PayPal button to purchase it
and support our work :)
| I want this whole yearly tier - save $ with a discount |
| I want the entire Sims 2 Collection, ALL yearly packs at once -
save even more $$$ bigger $$$ discount |
| I want just a set from this tier - regular price |
Purchasing a Single Set:
Click on the picture of the set that you want.
You'll see the details of the set and will be able
to click on the PayPal button to purchase it
and support our work :)
| I want this whole yearly tier - save $ with a discount |
| I want the entire Sims 2 Collection, ALL yearly packs at once -
save even more $$$ bigger $$$ discount |
| I want just a set from this tier - regular price |
Purchasing a Single Set:
Click on the picture of the set that you want.
You'll see the details of the set and will be able
to click on the PayPal button to purchase it
and support our work :)
| I want this whole yearly tier - save $ with a discount |
| I want the entire Sims 2 Collection, ALL yearly packs at once -
save even more $$$ bigger $$$ discount |